Monday, June 11, 2012


Mentha production Pro's and Con's

In view of reduction yield due to mono-cultivation, technical guidance to
the farmers on improving the yield of the mentha crop is the need of the
hour. For this purpose extension agency of the State Department of
agriculture has to create awareness among farmers either to change the
variety or to go for crop rotations so that the yields will improve

 There are several traders who are operating since many years and have
their own network to indulge in cartailing and thereby giving low price to
the farmers. Thus there is a need to induce modern marketing system
wherein farmers can come together in-group to enhance their bargaining
power so that farmers can fetch better price realization. Marketing
Board/Marketing department of the state can induce this phenomenon.
The low price problem can also be solved by announcing the minimum
support price well in advance of harvesting season to the mentha raw
material as well as mentha oil by the Commission on Cost and Price
(CACP). This measure will overcome the problem of crash in the price
during harvesting season.
 It is known fact that, there is a Medicinal Plants Board to look after affairs
of medicinal crops in the country. This Board mainly operates to promote
cultivation, processing, extension and marketing of medicinal plant only.
Hence it is recommended that, the Board can also cover the aromatic
plants or a separate Board for aromatic plants can be setup to look after
problems faced by essential oil industry.
 Pricing for mentha oil is not based on the quality and it is decided on crude
method by the processor and trader at farmers field level. Hence there is a
need to arrange quality-testing laboratory to overcome this problem so
that, price discovery would be based on the quality parameters.
 Marketing margin analysis revealed that, farmers are getting lesser margin
for their produce. Hence, state marketing agency is required to arrange
direct procurement by the processors by minimizing the intermediaries
and thereby increasing share of producer in consumer rupee.
Most of the farmers are under the clutches of financial obligation of the
traders and are compelled to sell their produce at the price quoted by the
traders. Public sector financial institutions can extend the credit to the
farmers in the study area by fixing appropriate scale of finance to
overcome this problem.
There is a lack of modern and efficient processing technology in the study
area. Hence, State government is required to create modern processing
facilities to realize quality mentha oil and thereby giving best price to the
producer of mentha crop.

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